Noah’s Taekwondo Yellow Belt exam!!

June 24th was a very exciting day for Noah. He was finally taking his exam for his cintas amarilla! He was so excited to get to the same level as his big brother again! He had been practicing for weeks beside the pool with Evan helping him every day. The day of the exam arrived and we headed into Merida on the auto Progreso.

Noah did a great job executing his moves and passed his exam. He received his Yellow Belt and is now learning the material to receive his green belt. Both Evan & Noah just had an exam in at the end of September and both have just increased a level. Hopefully they will get their green belts in December when they have their next exam.

We attend the Taekwondo school in Progreso and the maestro is Andri Mauricio Villamor Cutz <>. We are so glad that our boys are in Taekwondo and it is really helping them learn not only more Spanish, but also Korean.

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I do have video but I cannot post them until my computer is up and running again:(


2 Responses to “Noah’s Taekwondo Yellow Belt exam!!”

  1. Donna Dowell says:

    Hi there are you still in the Yucatan? We are Canadians and we often spend winters in Telchac. Our children, ages 6,8 and 10 are in TKD here up north and I would like them to continue in their studies while we are down there this winter. How is your TKD school? Do you know anything about the TKD schools in Merida? I am looking forward to any thoughts you may have!

    • Kurt says:

      The boys love their TKD instructor, Andri, and we would recommend him to anyone. He is just moving to a larger facility next week and we are looking forward to that. There are lots of options available in Merida, and a few in Progreso on the TKD. I would recommend looking at several and finding one that fits your children. Our boys started with no Spanish, and it was very difficult for them at first but Andri’s personality was amazing. THey had to learn to listen with their ‘eyes’ as well which was fantastic.

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