Today was the first time we have attended an Oktoberfest event as a family! Not sure the boys really appreciated the different beers but I did have to convince Noah that Hofbrau was good beer and made many different types…so I had to buy them to show him! This event today was located just off the pereferico in Merida behind the big Corona plant in the “Jardin Carta Clara”. Very easy to find once we knew what we were looking for.
Entrance was 50 pesos per adult and children were free. Of course, we arrived right in the beginning when the doors opened, settled in and started eating! There were no line-ups and it was fantastic – when we were leaving 3 hours later the party was definitely starting!
Lots of restaurants lined the sides of the venue, held in the Jardin Carta Clara, I am not sure why it is called a garden, as it is in a massive parking lot… You could get Bratwurst, Frankfurters, chicken, ham, potatoes, sauerkraut, pretzles, black forest cake, chocolate cakes, etc. Very good selection and all paired very well with the German beers! Of course outside of Hofbrau there was the Belgian presence of Stella Artois – which I also had to have.
The boys were quickly bored, as sitting there watching me drink beers is only slightly entertaining so they quickly went to the kids area to bounce in the little bounce house.
So where’s the polka mein schatz picture???