


Evan and Noah are definitely learning more ‘moves’ at their TaeKwonDo. I am not sure they qualify as ‘moves’ but they are definitely learning. It is really quite amazing to watch them at the class, after 6 weeks they are integrating nicely into the class.

Andri is a fantastic instructor, he does not know a lot of English but we certainly help each other with the words needed. I gave him a list last week of words we were teaching the boys and asked him to provide a few more words he thought we should be practicing with the boys to make sure they understand him. Last night on the drive home from a restaurant, the boys were talking about their classes and were counting up to 20 in Korean! Andri teaches them in Korean and Spanish with a few “Evan Change”‘s thrown in when Evan is using the mirror image of him. I say mirror image ’cause I think that might be a nicer way of saying Evan is unsure of right/left and more unsure of derracha/izquierda! But we are practicing these terms on a daily basis.

This last week they have been putting on the pads and learning to fight tournament style… Ok, they are in a class of 4-10 year olds so it is less of a ‘style’ as just a way to tire them out!

Here are a couple of videos of the boys in their first practice matches. There was considerable improvement (hard not to be) at the following practice. The boys had both managed to ‘kick’ their opponent in the head (2pts) in the matches while their mother watched. The instructor says they should be ready for their exam in December in which they may receive their badge, I don’t think they are ready for a change of belt color just yet.

Both the boys are blue in the videos.

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One Response to “TaeKwonDo”

  1. Grandma and Grandpa says:

    Great moves boys. Grandpa was cheering for you when he watched your videos.

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