Day with Friends


Right after Holly & Rob arrived with their family we were able to meet up and spend the day catching up on our travel experiences. They are definitely veterans at traveling from Calgary to Progreso and have made the trip several times.

We spent the afternoon at La Playa in Chelem, a restaurant owned by Carlos, which features fresh fish and huge burgers. We all had a burger that day but probably could have shared 2 between the 5 of us. But yes, I did manage to eat mine all by myself:) The kids played on the beach and in the play area while we were waiting for the burgers to cook.

After lunch, we all came back to our house where Rob & Holly shared their coconut pie, which they bought from a street vendor in Chelem. This pie was layers of fresh coconut and was great. It was still great the next day and the day after when I finished the last piece. It really is a wonder how I have lost over 25lbs since arriving!

The kids joined a family on the beach playing soccer while a rainstorm moved in on us. The double rainbow was spectacular and the pictures really don’t do it justice. However, the one of Evan is pretty good I have to say! This one will be in the family calendar next year for sure.

Yes, I was very slow in posting this, I am trying to catch up on the posting from the last 6 weeks so even though this was in early September, I have left the date as October to show how far behind I am!

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One Response to “Day with Friends”

  1. Grandma and Grandpa says:

    Okay put the La Playa restaurant on our must do list! Dad also wants you to place an advance order for some of those coconut pies please. You may have lost 25 pounds but dad plans to find them for you when he arrives!

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