Progreso Montessori Halloween fiesta!

Happy Halloween!

Today was the much anticipated halloween party at the Montessori school in Progreso. The boys, as always, were very excited for this holiday and all the candy that comes with it! This year, they both wanted to be creepers from the game Minecraft. I had found the creeper heads in Calgary this summer for $30 each but Lyn did not approve that purchase and said she could make them. Just a box and some paint, right! Well, even after spending part of last week in the Star Medica hospital in Merida, she kept her promise and hand painted the boys box creeper heads and it took her the better part of yesterday afternoon. Great job on the painting Lyn!

Debbie put on a great party at the school and had the costume contest starting promptly at 9am, and then the kids all went trick or treating to all the classrooms around the school where the parents were all volunteering to hand out candy. Then we all sat and watched a brief play of the Adams Family which was quite funny and entertaining. At the end of the play they had all the kids up dancing with them in many different styles which was very amusing. Somehow Evan and Francisco won one of the dancing contests!

Once again, we are amazed by the costumes some of the kids come in. The little girl with the zipper on her face, was ALL makeup except for the actual zipper! Some of them are covered head to foot with make-up, many of them are very original.

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One Response to “Progreso Montessori Halloween fiesta!”

  1. Deb and Gunner says:

    i loved it grampa

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