Hacienda Fiesta
Our Halloween party this year was once again hosted by Dana & Fabian and it was as fabulous as ever. The hacienda looked great and Dana had decorated the pool side tree and wall of the patio. And of course, a container of Beetle Juice for the kids!
The kids all participated in “bobbing for donuts” where the mini donuts where all tied to a string and then they had to try to bite the donut off the strings without using their hands. Great fun! They also had two pinatas, one for the little guys, and one for the slightly bigger little guys.
Straight out of the pool and into the Pumpkin Carving! The pumpkin carving contest was a little different this year, and every family brought one pumpkin to carve. We saw the kids doing most of the work this year but jumped in whenever they needed help. Dana did all the judging and I cannot remember who won what but every pumpkin won a prize for something:) Scott & Angela brought a calabaza, which had been thoroughly cleaned out by one of their Mexican workers! I think there might have been only the outside skin holding it together.
Montessori School
The boys wanted to be skeletons this year… with bows… so that is what they were! probably the most simple costume ever. Next year I am going to have to redeem ourselves and actually put some thought and time into their costumes. The kids at the Montessori school in Progreso where all amazing again!
Debbie had put on the traditional Halloween party at the school for all the kids with their costume contest. The school yard had the typical games and a bouncie house for the kids.
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