After just starting TaeKwonDo in September in Progreso, Yucatan Evan and Noah both had TaeKwonDo exams in December to see if they were ready to advance a level. The week before the exam both boys had to come to Merida to have a pre-exam for 50pesos each to determine if they were ‘ready’ to take the official exam to advance a level. Both boys apparently did well at the ‘pre-exam’ which “allowed” them to go the official exam for 600 pesos each in Merida. The exam was at the Centro Deportivo Bancario in Merida, which is a full sports facility and looked really nice.
So we brought the boys to the gym where the exam was to be held, which was completely full of people at all levels and ages taking their Examen de Grado. This was to either advance a level, or a belt color change. The group right before our boys was pretty fun to watch as they were red and green belts and I am glad we got there a little bit early so the boys could see some of the advanced moves. Out of the 100 or so kids trying to advance, I think about 8 advanced in this age group. Our boys were all lined up and had to perform the steps of attack and defense in sequence as they were watched and graded. It was a great learning experience for the boys as they know what to expect in March when they will do it all again.
The boys are doing well and are really concentrating on trying to advance in this sport. Both of them are now speaking more Spanish in class and are really beginning to understand the instructions. It is funny to watch and listen to Evan quizzing his instructor on every move in Spanish.
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